Beach Volleyball

Join in for a game or two, feel the sand between your toes, and immerse yourself in the competition of beach volleyball.

Get set to serve, volley, and conquer the sand!


League Format

  • Rally scoring – Scoring method where points can be won by the serving or receiving team
  • 4 games per day
  • Team skill level entered at registration will be used for week 1 seeding only
  • 12 or more teams in league:  schedule is based on win percentage
  • 11 or less teams in league:  schedule is planned

Adult Beach Volleyball Leagues

4 on 4

Thursday 6:30 PM

March 20 – May 22

  • T-shirt included 
  • 8-10 weeks of play (no open play) depending on weather, make-ups will be added if 3 or more weeks are canceled 
  • Single elimination tournament final week of the season
  • A minimum of 4 players per team and a maximum of 8
  • All teams are coed (no more than 2 men playing at a time)


  • $50 per player 
  • Pinetop Members are $20 per player 
  • Subs pay $7 guest each week 

Non-Pinetop Members should register in CourtReserve as Guest membership.

3 on 3

Tuesday 6:30 PM

March 18 – May 20

  • T-shirt included 
  • 8-10 weeks of play (no open play) depending on weather, make-ups will be added if more than 3 weeks are missed
  • Single elimination tournament final week of the season
  • A minimum of 3 players per team and a maximum of 6
  • A team can be all-male, all-female, or coed


  • $50 per player
  • Pinetop Members are $20 per player 
  • Subs pay $7 guest each week 

Non-Pinetop Members should register in CourtReserve as Guest membership.

Junior Beach Volleyball Clinics

Beach Development

Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced

5th-12th grader



Pinetop Member $20 / Nonmember $30